LocoRoco Demo

LocoRoco is the newest game for the PSP. It was shown at E3 '06 during the Sony press conference. The game looks amazing and in my obsession I had to have it now. So during my search I found this PSPWorld which lead me to the LocoRoco Demo. Only one down side to all this great news. You have to upgrade your firmware to 2.70. In order to play this game. I put a link to a translated version of the website but you will not be able to download the demo with the translation on the website. But the translation will allow you to read the various instruction on how to put the demo on your PSP's memory card. So in order to get the demo I have put a direct link to the file or you could just browse the website in Japanese and go to that link. If you have any questions just leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Enjoy!
To get the demo go here.
To go to the translated website go here.
To go to the untranslated website go here.