That's right, Iron Man has no love for Superman. He saw his last movie and thought to himself "Man, this is some bullshit. I can do better then that." He walked out the movie permire and said out loud "This movie sucks!" Superman heard what happened and was not pleased and at a press confrece he called Iron Man "The Iron Drunk, get it it's because he drinks so much." While no one luaghed at his joke. He still contunied to refused to ansower questions. Like, how was it possible for him to pick up a Kyrponite mountain after getting stabed with Kyrponite and still live. While searching for the Souljia Boy Dance video on Youtube. He found the "Superman is an ass Press conference" After watching this clip of the press conference. He decided to make his movie and download that new Souljia Boy Lp.
Labels: Iron Man, Marvel Comics, Movie
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