Monday, October 31, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
The Fahrenheit Girl - Jelena Abbou

One day I was watching TV and bam! The Fahrenheit commercial came on and then she walk across the screen. Her name is Jelena Abbou and she has to be one of the hottest and fittest young lady I ever seen. Her body is just amazing and she is 5'6" and 118 pounds, 28 years old. She was born in Serbia of all places in a small town and came to America when she was 20. She is also a personal trainer and Fitness Model. She competes in figure and fitness model contests. Well, all I have to say is when can you train ? Damn you fine!
Friday, October 28, 2005
The new happy couple
The Beef is over for Nas and Jay-z and I'm just wondering how long until they put an album out together? They have come along way, I mean the made some hard core dis songs trying to destroy each other in a "war of words". With Jay-z's "Takeover" which was a hard "stab" at Nas and Nas did "Ether" which was a even harder stab at Jay-Z. Now they have grown up and become the best of friends and I wish them the best of luck. Jay-Z will be doing another "I Declare War" show in Philadelphia tonight, I wonder if he will bring out R-Kelly or someone else?
For more on this story.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Mr. Sulu set phasers to gay

George Takei has come out the "closet" and Miss honey is telling all. Now all we have to do is wait till someone from Star Wars comes out the "closet" but who?
Friday, October 21, 2005
Aaron McGruder - Fox = Adult Swim

The Boondocks will be premiering on Cartoon network's Adult Swim on November 6th at midnight. Adult Swim will air fifteen episodes of The Boondocks every Sunday night. Adult Swim seems to always be a step ahead of everyone else. The comic strip can be very political and controversial at times and I wonder how the audience will take it? I guess only time will tell.
More on the Boondocks.
More on Aaron McGruder.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
F-Zero Goes of Track
The guys over at VG Cats are back at it again and this they are making fun of everyone's favorite future racing game F-zero. I never thought about what happens after a car goes of track.
Link to this comic.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Domino - "Heads you live, Tails you die!"

Domino is going to be "the" movie next week when it comes out on October 14. Keira Knightley will play the part of Domino Harvey. The movie is based on Domino Harvey's life and she was the daughter of actor Laurence Harvey. She turned away from her career as a Ford model to become a bounty hunter. Domino died June 27, 2005 of "acute fentanyl toxicity", in other words she died from an overdose and sensitivity to the drug Fentanyl. Fentanyl has a more powerful effect than morphine in the human body. The LA County's coroner officially listed her death as accidental.
For more on the real Domino Harvey.
For the Domino Movie Trailers - version 1 and version 2.
For more on Keira Knightley.
For more on the movie Domino and more.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Joe Madureira is back!

Joe Madureira is back and Captain America is coming with him. This sketch is from the upcoming Captain America Ultimate comic book series from Marvel comics. Joe Madureira is back at Marvel Comics and he has singed on with Jeph Loeb and the both of them are working on a number of Ultimate titles that won't be out until October 2006. Man, its going to be a very long wait.
For more on the up coming Madureira and Loeb team up.
For more of Joe Madureira art.