Spider-Man’s new costume!

That's right Spider-Man has a new costume and its a gift from Tony Stark aka Iron man. In an interview with Newsarama, Marvel's Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada explains the why, when and how everything will be laid out over the next few months for the Spider-man series.
Here's an excerpt:
NRAMA: Is this an indication that it might not be the actual next Spidey costume? Can you say definitively for the record that this the red and gold “Iron Spidey” costume his new costume for some sort of extended period?Look for the new costume to be shown in February’s Amazing Spider-Man #529. It will then be seen in the pages of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and Marvel Knights Spider-Man in April. I will be picking up Amazing Spider-Man #529 because it will be a collectors item.
JQ: It is indeed a new Spidey costume! By the way, Brian Bendis just came by and whispered in my ear, “What can be better than one Avenger’s book?” I just asked him what that meant and he walked away cackling…
NRAMA: Oh brother… Focus, Joe, focus…
Can you give us some insight as to how long this costume will be part of the Spider-Man mythos. Some fans and retailers have astutely pointed out that with a movie coming out in mid-2007, it’s more than likely Peter will be back in familiar duds by then? Thoughts?
JQ: Now that the Spider movies at are #3 it’s less and less important and there are plenty of trades with the blue and red. That said. JMS has a definitive plan as to when the costume appears and leaves. It’s his decision.
NRAMA: In that same vein, you’ve talked to us a couple of times about how you expect Civil War to garner significant mainstream attention, any concerns having Spider-Man appear in this new costume in Civil War will leave more mainstream observers and new readers wondering who that guy is and where the Spider-Man they know and love is at?
JQ: Don’t worry, we have a plan [laughs]…
Whoa, hold the presses. JMS just passed me a note. Joe simply says:
“Between the physical changes to Peter that follow the aftermath of The Other, he gets a second power upgrade courtesy of the ‘Iron Spider’ suit from Stark. What he will discover is that with great power comes not just responsibility but one heck of a price tag. Peter will have to decide if he can pay that price in loyalty to Tony, when the loyalty may cost him things he holds dearest. He will find himself caught in the middle of the Civil War, seeing all sides of the argument, but will be eventually forced to make a decision that will change both his life and the whole Marvel Universes.”
Civil War will be a summer event/limited series by writer Mark Millar and artist Steve McNiven. Civil War will begin in March's New Avengers: The Illuminati. In it we discover the Illuminati and Illuminati members – Reed Richards, Tony Stark, Namor, Black Bolt, Doctor Strange, and Charles Xavier. Joe Quesada explains to Newsarama the story and events that will happen over the next few months during the Civil War.
Here is an excerpt:
Joe Quesada: “The lack of mutants has changed much of the power balance in the world and when there’s a change in balance there will be those that want to see it tip over onto one side or another.Will it seems that Marvel as a lot going on this year and hopefully it all works out for the best.
“Because the Illuminati can sense these trends, they make several key decisions that will now begin to literally shake the foundation of the Universe. I will argue that the Marvel Universe may even become unrecognizable to some extent if the balance shifts too much and if the Illuminati are wrong. It may even get worse if they’re right!”
For more on Spidey's new costume go here and here.
For more on Marvel's Civil War go here.
Labels: Marvel Comics, New York Comic-Con, Spider-Man
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