Batman & Catwoman & Power Girl

I have to say, when I saw these two pics I was very impress. Mohammad Haque or Hawk as he like to call himself. Drew both of these pics and posted them on his blog Hawk Studios. Hawk's fans know him from his web comic Applegeeks. Applegeeks is ran by Hawk and his partner and Co-creator Ananth Panagariya, who is the writer. Applegeeks has to be one of the fastest growing web comics I have ever seen. Both these guys work hard and have over a 100 or so issues under their belt.
I have to say I'm very impress by these guys because most "people" I know talk a lot about how they are the best but don't want to put the work in. Then those "people" go on and on about how they are going to do something but never do. I call those "people" quitters and ass****s. They should learn how to shut up and get things done.
Well, back to the matter at hand. Both of these guys are regulars at anime and comic book conventions. These guys are well on their way to becoming very famous and wealthy. But I think they would just settle for making their fans happy. I wish both of them the best. Applegeeks is updated every Monday and Thursday.
Heres a link to Applegeeks.
More information about Applegeeks.
More on the Creators of Applegeeks.
More on Hawk Studios.
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