Man did you get old or what?

Snake is back or at least I think that's him? We will all find out at the Tokyo Game Show on 9/16. There Konami will show the trailer for Metal Gear Solid 4. He even has a side kick which is a small mech partner called Metal Gear Mark II which is identical to the robot that appeared in Konami's classic game, Snatcher. The game will take place in a war zone and will feature multiple countries.
Something new from Kojima, the creator of MGS is "mind games," which will have opponents' concentration depend on their mental condition. For example, soldiers may become weaker if they get intimidated. I can't wait to see the trailer and I almost forgot for all the Raiden fans of out there Kojima as confirms that Raiden will be back in MGS 4.
Source: (They know everything about games)

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